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Living With Gratitude

Oftentimes, we find ourselves buried in everyday stresses: studying for exams, finishing assignments, and all the "what-if" scenarios that constantly envelop our minds. Weekly schedules also get exhausting after awhile. I have begun working full time as an intern, and sometimes find myself struggling to enjoy life when I know I have limited time for relaxing. However, giving a little time to reflect on our lives always awakens my gratitude of living here in the USA, especially as a female. Here, anyone can achieve their goals through hard work; there are no limitations. We have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips with our phones and computers. We can learn anything at anytime. Everyday life gets tiring and is undeniably difficult sometimes, but we are privileged to be here, and should try to live our lives with gratitude.

Living with gratitude is as easy as changing a mindset, but I find that doing an activity that involves giving back to the community is most beneficial for me. I spent several hours volunteering at food banks, cooking food for the homeless in high school, and of course, raising money for our veterans. It is amazing how my outlook of life changed on volunteering days. I saw the world in a brighter lens, and felt energized to do more. Give back, and you will find purpose in life, as well as see the beauty of the world we live in.

--Jenna Sutton

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